Chinese steel prices fall
Chinese steel prices fall
8 月 2021

Chinese steel prices fall

On Monday, 02 August 2021, the price of steel in China fall on the back of signs that the pace to cut carbon emissions was slowing. It has been reported that Beijing is attempting to slow efforts to reduce carbon emissions to safeguard the country’s economic stability. China has planned to be carbon neutral by 2060 but Beijing has said that the country must carry out its work to meet the carbon targets in an orderly and unified way. Steel production in China rose to a record high in the first six months of 2021 but is expected to fall in the second half of the year with analysts saying that they believe that steel production controls in China will more gradual moving forward.

Source: https://www.ft.com/content/76ef4195-a56b-4647-8aa5-1c8d9a3f08cf