Iron ore prices produce strong returns for shareholders
Iron ore prices produce strong returns for shareholders
7 月 2021

Iron ore prices produce strong returns for shareholders

Kumba Iron Ore, an iron-ore mining company listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange has increased production volume and sales which was supported by higher iron-ore prices. Kumba Iron Ore retuned ZAR23.4 billion to its shareholders in the form of an interim cash dividend. This is a 73% increase from the ZAR6.3 billion dividend paid to shareholders in the first half of 2020. The increase in return was in part due to the higher export prices of iron-ore which was also supported by favourable exchange rates between the South African Rand and the US Dollar.

Source: https://www.news24.com/fin24/companies/mining/iron-ore-prices-hand-kumba-shareholders-healthy-returns-in-first-half-20210727